Projects  &  Programs

(ii) Projects  &  Programs

  • Gurukulam:

Race Gurukulam is a consistent and continues process with a mission of creating personality transformation among the teens and adolescents. Facilitating the young to be the change agents is a social service. It is like sowing seeds and nurturing them into huge trees that offer shadow and fruits. Gurukulam is a three day residential camp packed with with activity, fun and entertainment filled sessions to bring out the inner talents and social skills of the children to transform them for the future.


  • Dhasha Vriksha:

Dhasha Vriksha is the continuing and most dearest project of the team race. In this new normal world of complete digitalization, on June 5th, 2020 (environment day), the research academy for creative excellence started our journey towards making history by bringing together people from different parts of the state on a single platform through online resources and planting 150+ saplings on the same day. From there on, the team conducted regular inspections and made sure that the plants were protected throughout the year. The aim of the programme is to protect mother earth and to provide shade and shelter to many living beings. The idea is being carried forward by including interested people in the community of planters.


  • Hiroshima Nagasaki day :

This observance was conducted from 6th of august to 9th august. A lot of programmes were conducted on these days to bring out the idea that war doesn’t give us any benefits. On these days photos with the flashlights on were taken by the race team members to show their tribute to this brutality that took away thousands of lives.

  • YOGA DAY :

Yoga day is celebrated on 21 june with a message ‘inhale the past exhale the future’.Race conducted a webinar to share the importance of yoga and the resource person was Sree biju gopalakrishnan. The programme helded with an aim to demonstrate the practice to quieting mind.

  • Health Day :

Health day was observed on October 10th 2020. The keynote session on this day was taken by Dr. Preetha. S, member of dept.  of counselling cell. The webinar session included classes for both mental as well as physical health. This programme was a high success and could clear all the doubts and stigma related to our mental and physical health.


The observance of Malala day was conducted on July 12, 2022 and the chief guest of the programme was Ms. Shijina, social activist. The core theme of this programme was to help the children who lack the confidence to share their ideas and bring out the true potential within themselves. So in this point of view this programme was an actual success and team race could help a lot of children.

  • Un day :

This observance was conducted on Oct 24, the resource person of this event was Mr. Shabarinath, who is a  regional labour migration specialist. On this day we were able to  conduct an international level webinar with the help of our virtual student coordinators, and almost 100 participants were there in our programme which makes it a grand success. The highlight of this programme was that this was more of an interactive session which makes the participants more lively.

  • International Youth Day:

International day for youth, a day for the upcoming generation was highly celebrated by the race family on Jan 12, 2021. A webinar session along with other program were conducted on this day and the main theme of this observance was “Channelizing youth power for nation development”. Many students other than the team race were participated in this webinar session and they were able to imbibe the importance of making use of their capabilities for a better tomorrow.


  • Fathers & Mother’s Day :

We plan many programmes and events online in honour of our parents on Father’s Day and Mother’s Day. We welcome Parents of our family members to the event as our guests.



  • Girl Child Day:

On Girl Child Day, we put on a presentation where we gave pens and books to a few young girls to send the message that they should be independent, earn the right to an education, and grow up to be bright stars.


  • Vidhyarambham :

On this day we organize together in online platform and our chairman inaugurated the function. Importance of education, its application were the subject thought through out the section.


  • Kindness Day:

It is true that only with kindness will we make a world that will have a better future. The theme of World Kindness Day 2021 was “The World We Make—Inspire Kindness.” Team Research Academy for Creative Excellence also joined in celebrating the day with the whole world. The race family organised an online zoom meet up for its members.It was a memorable moment in the journey of the team race. All the members of the family got the opportunity to express love and gratitude towards the other members of the family for their kind hearts and support.


  • Human Rights Day:

It is a strange event in cultural evolution that a class of people had to engage in a self-sacrificing struggle to live like humans. On 10th of December it was a humble attempt by Team Race on World Human Rights Day to sensitise the younger generation about human rights amidst the funeral processions of post-modern human rights abuses that are still ongoing and time-honored with sophisticated form evolutions. The program’s chief guest was Adv. P. Suresh Kumar, a former member of the Public Service Commission of Kerala and a practising lawyer in district court. A wide range of participants, from students and youngsters, were present for the programme, and it turned out to be a successful event.



  • Environment Day:

Our crew observes Environment Day on June 5 every year. We run an online programme with involvement from young people, parents, and professionals. We select participants for our Dhasha Vriksha project through this program.