(i) Training
(a) Student :
– Gurukulam :
Race Gurukulam is a consistent and continues process with a mission of creating personality transformation among the teens and adolescents. Facilitating the young to be the change agents is a social service. It is like sowing seeds and nurturing them into huge trees that offer shadow and fruits. Gurukulam is a three day residential camp packed with with activity, fun and entertainment filled sessions to bring out the inner talents and social skills of the children to transform them for the future.
DISHA is a flagship programme conducted by the Research Academy for Creative Excellence. The programme was designed based on the UN’s concern about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on students,causing mental anxiety and other issues, it is critical to implement entertaining and supporting programmes to reduce their mental stress. Race was deeply concerned about it and conducted DISHA to overcome this situation. Disha opened a space for students to be free from loneliness and mental stress and to discover themselves.
– HOPE :
Hope is a salient programme conducted by research academy for creative excellence. The programme is mainly focused on highersecondary students. The aim of the programme is to arrange a golden opportunity to shape future life to succes. It focused to help higher secondary students to identify their skills, perspectives, passions and to introduce various opportunities to them.The resource person is career master sree satar sreekaryam.
– Subhatham
(b) Youth :
– Meliora :
Meliora is an effective Project of race which focus to bring out the real trailblazers. This is a exclusive program conducted only for the Student Leaders of race. This program helps the individuals to make them more confident and to create a strong determination which accelerate them to success.
(c) Trainers :
– Diamond Cutter
Diamond Cutter train-the-trainer three day residential workshop is a package out of the box tools and tactics. Diamond cutter is focused on need based theoretical analysis of current trends along with personalized interactive sessions it is a learner focused workshop engaging the participants with high energy practical sessions. Diamond cutter is designed to improve and enhance trainers proficiencies, productivity and potential. Diamond cutter transforms the participants as the “Trainer of the time”
(d) Entrepreneurs :
– B.M.W
This is one of an effective program exclusively conducted for Entrepreneurs, Marketing team , Management Team for Business Promotion Motive. Customized program done in demand from organizations or institutions
(e) Professionals :
– Sharpen ur saw
Sharpen Ur Saw is an exclusive program conducted for Professionals. The best asset a person can have is preserved and improved with the aid of this programme. It entails developing a well-balanced self-renewal plan for your physical, social/emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.
(f) Women empowerment :
– Karuthal :
Karuthal an online free training programme on complete physical, mental and social wellbeing of adolescent girls. It is a Q&A programme conducted by Research Academy for Creative Excellence.It is one of the most effective programmes conducted by race to address various concerns of adolescent girls about there health and hygiene issues.The programme is coordinated by Race councilling head Dr. Preetha.
– Arjidha
Argitha is a modern day training program with target focused on women entrepreneurs. Women are most unutilized national resource of our country. Most of the women are spending their time in there households unproductively. Argidha is program for the household women. This training program has been developed after identifying the needs and potential of the household’s women. This program helps the women to transform themselves as entrepreneur and further become earning member of their family.
(g) General :
– Hastha
It is a customized training programme for the geriatric and differently abled amog us. The research team of race personally interviewed various old aged homes to identity the inmates mental and emotional state. It helped us in developing a special training programme for them under the title HASTHA. A series of the training programme HASTHA was conducted in various old aged homes by the training team of race in association with social justice department at Trivandrum.
– PSC :
The P.S.C Program is part of the Critical Seed Projects. This program aims to bring the audience to real speakers and help individuals become more confident in communication. Usually, PSC is conducted annually for those preparing to attend interviews, political speeches, teachers and even lecturers. The duration of the course is about 3 days and the activities and assessments for the next two days.
– FYFO :
Created training program for effective presentation/ public speaking has rendered its one decade long impressive presence and support among all walks of life ranging from adolescents to veterans. It is a program designed with integrating the needs of the modern day public speaking to help the participants face every stage without fear and to help them excel in their field with improved speaking and presentation skills. The participants are the public which ranges from entrepreneurs to young students, politicians to public servers, and the common people who wants to mark their presence with the help of communication skills.
– FACE :
Fostering awareness of civil service examination (FACE) is a one day online programme.FACE is an important project being conducted by RACE involving prominent people in the field of civil service training to clear the fears and queries of the students about the importance, relevance, possibilities and merits of civil service coaching.Through this training, RACE prepares the students who want to work in the field of civil service to find out the right direction and strive to reach the goal of civil service with more interest.